Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How to avoid Married People Seeking Singles on Dating Sites

Even in the offline world, you can't trust some people to be who they say they are. But is the online dating scene even worse in attracting men and women who are married but secretly seeking others for extra-marital affairs?

While men are typically typecast as being the louts in this kind of arrangement, they're not the only perpetrators. Some women are seeking partners at online dating sites as a security measure against being alone in between partners.

But for the most part, online dating site participants are genuine people who are single and seeking the perfect match for their love life. Most of the despicable people who are married and straying go to websites devoted to playing the field while taken, so there's not as much danger encountering these individuals on a single online dating site.

Still, it could happen. If you don't take precautions to get to know someone before taking things too far, then there maybe those who accuse you of playing a part in the adulterous relationship.

Don't be willing to just accept someone's profile as gospel. You need to get to know your online dating prospects before agreeing to meet with them or engage in any romantic relationships.

Sometimes, love moves more quickly on the 'net, so you have to protect yourself against the possibility that the other party isn't being completely up front about who they are or what they're seeking.

You don't want to be plagued by guilt and shame that ensues when you find out you've been the unwitting accomplice in a triangle of love with your online dating partner that the other person's spouse knows nothing about.

If you discover someone you're interested in has been playing the virtual field while still tied down to someone in the offline world, then you need to abruptly end the discussions and move on to someone who was more forthright in their disclosure of who they are and their marital status.

Some bloggers are taking adulterers who use online dating sites to task, accusing them of violating the unsuspecting party's Constitutional Rights and making it more than just an ethical or moral dilemma.

Make sure you ask questions and notice anything unusual in the prospect's demeanor. And most importantly, recognize that even if it happens to you, these people are in the minority, and don't represent the majority of the online dating pool.

Relationship Therapy You Can Do on Your Own

While most relationships have their share of ups and downs, very few couples are willing or able to invest the time and/or money that traditional relationship therapy would cost.

This doesn't mean that they're more or less committed to the success of their relationship than other couples - only that they have different limits as to what they find an acceptable intrusion into their private lives (particularly when it comes to a third party such as a therapist).

The good news for those that find themselves in this particular situation - or even when one partner simply isn't willing to go into therapy - is that there are things you can do that can lead to self healing and repairing a relationship that may be damaged.

You can do this as one partner or as a couple, although it's much more effective when both people participate. We've become a society of do-it-yourselfers, so it only makes sense that we're bringing this idea into the more personal aspects of our lives rather than the simple home improvement projects.

Positive thinking is a great place to start. Whenever the roads of romance become a little too rocky for comfortable travel, it's time to take a step back and remind each other why you fell in love in the first place.

Make a list, write a letter, write a poem, or take a few minutes to hold each other and dance. Remind each other of the wonderful person you are when unencumbered with the worries of the world, children, finances, and the world outside the circle of your arms.

There are many different styles of self-therapy that you can use. You may want to check out some books on the various styles and read them together for advice, guidance, and perhaps a little insight as to where your specific problems may lie and the best path to take in the future.

One highly recommended style of relationship therapy is known as the Imago, which is Latin for 'match' style. You can find many books on this topic either online or at your local library. The important thing is that you take as many steps as possible together.

Role-playing is another great way to obtain valuable insight as to how you perceive your partner as well as how he or she sees you. You may learn a lot about how the English language is woefully inadequate at conveying precise messages. You may intend to say one thing and your partner may hear something else entirely. It's important to learn how to communicate with one another positively and accurately. Working together through self-therapy and role-playing can help you achieve that.

How To Make Online Dating Simple

Online dating is supposed to be easy, but some dating websites are making it more complex that it needs to be. Instead of helping you find your perfect match, they make you sift through thousands upon thousands of profiles of people you'd never want to meet.

Fortunately, the relationship experts at eHarmony are here to help. They've developed a sophisticated Compatibility Matching System that allows people to easily connect with their most compatible partners.

How does it work? Believe it or not, the answer is science. Researchers at eHarmony studied successful married couples and discovered the characteristics that led to the couples' overall happiness. Using this data, they created their relationship questionnaire, an in-depth survey that analyzes a person's most important characteristics based on 29 dimensions of compatibility like: beliefs, values, temperament, curiosity and intellect.

The questionnaire is straightforward. There are no right or wrong answers. It's simply a fun way to let eHarmony know who you are and what you're looking for in an ideal mate. The information is kept completely confidential.

What happens next?

After you've completed the questionnaire, eHarmony's Compatibility Matching System performs a comprehensive search and matches you with like-minded people who share your most important qualities and characteristics.

"We're not looking for clones," one of eHarmony's founders says. "Our models emphasize similarities in personality and in values. If you have someone who's Type A and real hard charging, (we) put them with someone else like that."

Most dating websites only care about your first date, but eHarmony wants to ensure that you and your partner are able to build a happy, healthy long-term relationship based on compatability.

"It's much easier for people to relate if they don't have to negotiate all these differences," the founder says. "It's fairly common that differences can initially be appealing, but they're not so cute after two years."

Everyone dreams of finding their perfect match. Luckily, eHarmony is making it a reality. According to Harris Interactive Research, on average, 236 eHarmony members marry every day. If you feel like you're missing out, don't worry-now is a great time to get started.

The relationship experts at eHarmony will take you step-by-step through the entire process. They want to help you find that perfect match and create the happy long-term relationship you've always wanted.

How to use eHarmony

To Save Big, Nix the Lunch Breaks with Co-Workers

You probably know the scenario. The office clock says noon and the guys and gals decide where to go for lunch. In many towns, the drive time to a restaurant eats up most of the lunch hour, not to mention the gas.

It's hard to find lunch for less than ten bucks plus tip. You gobble down your food, share a few laughs with your co-workers and rush back to the office wishing you had time for a nap.

As you walk to your desk, you notice this guy putting away his brown bag. He appears calm, happy and ready to get back to work, some of which he did while eating his lunch. He's thinking how delicious it was, how much money he saved and the hassle avoided.

Is it worth it to prepare and bring your lunch to work each day? Well, looking at some basic examples let's say the cost to fix your own lunch costs about $3 a day. It's probably much cheaper.

That's $15 for a five day week. Eating out at approximately $10 a day comes to $50 for the week. You saved at least $35 not including drive time and gas. That's more than $1,800 a year saved. Interested?

Here are some brown bag tips. Prepare it the night before so you're not rushed in the morning. Keep it simple but be creative and think healthy. Sandwiches on wholesome bread are fine but include nuts, fruit or yogurt. Also, put in a little treat for yourself that you can look forward to, perhaps a health bar or your favorite cookie.

Plan ahead and buy in bulk with lunches in mind. Buy large chips and put them in smaller plastic bags instead of buying small individual bags. Don't pay more for convenience.

Cook a big dinner and save some for lunch the next day or the entire week. If it's home cooked you know it's good, healthy and cleaner. Put it in individual containers that night so you can grab and go in the morning.

If you're running late there's nothing wrong with occasionally taking a can of soup or vegetable chili. Most offices have ovens or microwaves you can use for heating.

Bring your drink too. You can probably get a 12-pack of soda for $2.99 and that comes to about 25 cents a can. Compare that with expensive vending machine drinks or coffee and you've saved even more.

It's up to you of course, but you can continue to work while you eat, catch up on your emails or other relaxing reading. It just might impress the boss and if you have to take off early, you don't feel as guilty. Don't be surprised if others ask you for tips on brown bagging.

There's a lot to be said for brown bagging your lunch. You eat better, save time, money and you're more productive. Now all you have to do is figure out where to invest all that money you saved.

The Health Benefits of Red Wine

Can wine really improve our health and increase longevity? Scientists are beginning to say "Yes!" Supposing that the theory is true -- which wines give us the most bang for the buck?

Researchers have found that red wines rich in flavonoids are best for our health. Flavonoids are best known for their antioxidant qualities and help the body resist such maladies as allergens, viruses and carcinogens.

Red wines also contain anxioxidants, which help the body resist cancer and cardiovascular disease. Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Syrah and Pinot Noir contain the highest concentrations of antioxidants and flavonoids.

Other red wines such as Merlots and red zinfandels contain fewer flavonoids, but more than most white wines. So, the best bet for drinking wine for our health is to stick to the dryer red wines. Just because wine contains components that are central to good health doesn't give us a free rein to get plastered every night. Don't overdo it -- but adding a glass of wine to your daily diet can definitely make a difference to our health.

Paracelsus, the noted 16th-century Swiss physician wrote, "Wine is a food, a medicine and a poison - it's just a question of dose." As with almost any food or drink, wine consumed in large doses can be a detriment to our health.

Most health officials agree that one or two four-ounce glasses of wine per day can be beneficial to men, while women should limit their consumption to one four ounce serving per day.

Cardiovascular expert, Professor Roger Corder, has spent years studying the evidence of health benefits from red wine. In his new book, "The Wine Diet," he says he is convinced that most of us should include red wine in our every day lifestyle.

Corder discovered what he eventually labeled the "French Paradox." Specifically, he wondered why the French have a lower rate of heart disease despite the fact that their diet was extremely rich in fats. He concentrated his research on the southwest portion of France, where life expectancy seemed to be highest.

Professor Corder discovered that the region produces very tannic local wines, which contain the highest procyanidin (antioxidant) content of any wines, worldwide. This led him to further research on the amazing medical benefits of red wine.

While wine may not be man's ultimate elixir or fountain of youth, it certainly behooves us to consider adding a glass of wine or two to our daily diet - and raise a "toast" to our continued good health.

Why Now Is The Time To Get a Legal Will Why Now Is The Time To Get a Legal Will

A will is one of the most important legal documents a person ever signs, yet over 70% of Americans don't have one.

Many people think that a will is something they only need later in life or that's its only for the rich, but this couldn't be further from the truth.

Life is unpredictable and a will is the must-have legal document that makes sure the people you love and trust receive your property, become the guardian of your children and manage your estate upon your death. And, if you have a special charity, religious organization or school that you want to bequeath to, a will is way to ensure that it happens. The importance of a will simply cannot be overstated.

The fact is, if you die without a will:

  • You do not get to decide who will receive your property and assets. Generally, the state will determine who gets your possessions. This may include the state government , or your spouse, children siblings and other relatives, regardless of your current relationships with these individuals or your personal wishes.
  • You will not decide who takes care of your minor children.

There are many reasons why people put off getting a will: Not enough time, can't afford an attorney, too busy to think about it ...

But now, a new service from a company called LegalZoom aims to address all these obstacles. LegalZoom was founded by attorneys who have worked at some of the most prestigious law firms in the country and who used their expertise to simplify the law and make it accessible for everyone.

The company has created a remarkably quick and simple online process that allows anyone to create a legal will in just minutes and for a fraction of the cost of what an attorney would charge for essentially the identical service.

Through their online process, you are asked a series of simple questions in plain English. They then generate and send you a legally binding will ready for you to sign that is valid in all states. You can create your will on your own time, without an attorney, and with the guidance you would expect from the premier online legal service center. The online procedure carefully guides you through the process, provides all of the necessary options and answers any questions you may have. The company also has advisors standing by that you can call if you have additional questions.

A recent survey showed the average preparation for a standard Last Will and Testament by an attorney is approximately $540. LegalZoom is currently offering their will preparation for an amazing $69! Furthermore, the LegalZoom online will preparation takes as little as 15 minutes to complete.

There really is no reason to put off getting a will any longer. Your loved ones will thank you for it, and you will rest a lot easier knowing that your wishes have been legally recorded and will be carried out as you have requested.

New Food Sprinkle Convinces the Brain to Stop Over-Eating

A California Company has recently launched an interesting new product which may signal a major breakthrough in weight loss. The company, Sensa, www.Sensa.com, came up with an innovative way to convince the brain to stop overeating.

First the theory behind the product. The obvious fact is that we eat too much. But why? It turns out that's the way our brains are programmed. Throughout our evolutionary history, food has been scarce, so in order to ensure survival, humans have been conditioned to eat as much as they can whenever food is available. Unfortunately, when food is abundant and rich in calories, as it is today, the results can be ugly.

Enter Dr. Alan Hirsch, an intrepid doctor and scientist, whose lifelong specialty has been understanding how our senses, and in particular, smell and taste affect the brain's functioning. Dr. Hirsch noticed that many patients who had lost their sense of smell and taste due to illness or accident experienced rapid weight gain. Certain smells and tastes seemed to be acting on the brain to control the appetite.

Dr Hirsch studied hundreds of compounds and after years of research developed a set of virtually odorless and tasteless food sprinkles that have shown a strong impact on the body's appetite-control center, which he called "Tastants". Then, in one of the largest studies of a non-prescription weight-loss system, these Tastants were tested for effectiveness as a means of weight loss.

The results were significant. Over a 6 month period, 1,436 women and men sprinkled flavorless "Tastant" crystals on everything they ate, and lost an average of 30.5 pounds - nearly 15% of their total body weight.

Participants achieved these results without having to follow any special exercise regime or diet.

Best of all, because it is tasteless and odorless and contains no stimulants and does not directly interact with the digestive system, there are no unpleasant side-effects. None of the horror stories associated with "fat-blockers" or stimulant based weight loss systems.

According to Dr Hirsch, "With Sensa, you can eat all the foods that satisfy your senses and you don't have to deal with any intense food cravings or feelings of starvation. Sensa merely helps you eat less of the foods you love and gain greater satisfaction from smaller portions."

A flavorless, odorless sprinkle that triggers this type of weight loss - too good to be true? Apparently the company anticipated a somewhat skeptical response from consumers, jaded by a weight loss industry spread thick with misleading claims. For that reason, they have introduced the product through a special Free Trial Offer that lets you try it before paying for it. You can learn more at TrySensa.com

Why Do Adults Continue to Get Acne

Regardless of whether your teen years are in your rear-view mirror, or you're still in school, suffering from acne breakouts is a major downer.

It may not seem fair, but you're certainly not alone. Once considered only a "teenage concern," today acne is one of the most common skin condition affecting adults as well.

Acne is a complex problem with a number of possible causes. Culprits include hormonal shifts, cosmetics, pollution, changing birth control pills and stress.

Of all the possible triggers, stress may actually be one of the most significant, according to recent studies by Stanford University and the Wake Forest School of Medicine. This means that anxiety-inducing situations - a major test, a first date or an important job interview - could lead to breakouts. However, even day-to-day obligations can be stressful enough to cause regular flair ups.

But recent studies on a new acne ingredient may offer hope to millions of Americans suffering with acne. The ingredient, called iQ 101, is a retinoid-based complex that combines Vitamin A with exfoliating agents and sebum regulators.

To understand how iQ 101 works to clear up and prevent acne, it helps to understand what causes acne in the first place. Acne develops inside hair follicles when excess oils and dead skin combine to form a plug. This plug, called a comedo, traps oil beneath the skin's surface. As bacteria multiply and white blood cells flood into the follicle to fight infection, the comedo swells and becomes inflamed, forming a pimple.

iQ 101 is being hailed as a scientific breakthrough because it works on three levels to address all of the root causes of acne. Exfoliating agents work to clear pores; sebum regulators help to reduce surface oils; and Vitamin A works to reduce the presence of bacteria on the skin.

A California company recently secured the world-wide rights to use iQ 101 in its Clear Remedy acne system. Clear Remedy is a 3-step system that combines iQ 101 with other acne-fighting actives such as salicylic acid, plus skin-soothing antioxidants and moisturizing botanicals. It's a unique formulation designed to not only clear away acne, but also allow skin to heal comfortably.

Clinically proven to clear away acne without dryness or irritation

An independent Clinical Research Organization recently conducted a double-blind study to evaluate the effectiveness of Clear Remedy, and the results were impressive. Clear Remedy successfully healed 90% of blackheads, whiteheads and other blemishes, and 9 out of 10 users saw results in as little as 3 days.

If you've tried other acne systems, you may have found that they can dry out or irritate your skin. The Clear Remedy system is specially formulated to clear up acne but also leave your skin feeling healthy and hydrated. In fact, in clinical testing, 100% of users said Clear Remedy completely eliminated their acne-related skin discomfort.

There's a lot of marketing hype around acne products lately, and the company apparently anticipated some skepticism from a public that has tried some of the celebrity systems and been let down by the results. For that reason, they are inviting customers to try the Clear Remedy System for free.

The company is so confident will heal acne in days that they are willing to make this unique free trial offer.

So, if your still in school or if your school days are over, you shouldn't have to worry about acne holding you back! If you want to stop embarrassing breakouts and finally get your acne under control, check out the Clear Remedy free trial.

Breakthrough Technology May Do for Hair What Botox® Does for Skin

A California company called Kronos has introduced the first-ever line of anti-aging hair care products based on the same proven anti-aging technologies used in high-end skincare lines.

Kronos was recently featured on the Today show and was rated the #1 Hair Treatment product by The Good Housekeeping Institute. It's being called "Botox® for Hair" because it contains an innovative technology that's the first of its kind.

In terms of pure science, Kronos is as cutting-edge as it gets. The system was shown in clinical testing to:

  • boost hair volume and body by an unprecedented 96%;
  • increase hair hydration by 91%;
  • improve luster and shine by 96%;
  • reduce split ends and breakage by 96%;
  • virtually eliminate color fading for up to four weeks.

The secret, according to the company, is a revolutionary ingredient delivery system called "t-sfere technology." For the first time ever, t-fere technology allows active ingredients to be encapsulated into a microscopic sphere so small that it can actually penetrate into the hair follicle and hair shaft.

Inside the t-sferes is a potent combination of 5 restorative ingredients complexes that target key areas of hair health such as volume, shine, hydration, strength and color retention.

The scientists at Kronos developed a way to release the active ingredients layer by layer so the product works continuously and where it is needed most, inside the scalp, follicle and hair shaft. That means radically more powerful and effective ingredients. Kronos is the only haircare line with this new, patent-pending delivery system.

How old is your hair?

It may sound like a crazy question, but just as your skin can prematurely age, so can your hair. Between heat styling, color treatments, frequent blow drying, straightening, curling and perming, even women in their 20s can have hair that looks twice their age.

Most hair care products just aren't made to stand up to the ravages we inflict upon our hair. Kronos was developed specifically to repair damaged hair and restore it to a younger, healthier state.

To introduce the line to consumers, the company offers a limited amount of free trials of its 4-piece introductory kit. You can try the kit for free before deciding whether or not to its for you.

The free trial includes a full, 60-day supply of 4 products that each feature the line's key ingredient complexes and delivery technology:

Phyx Overnight Repair Masque (4 fl. oz./120 ml)

  • Provides intensive renewal and repair for damaged hair
  • Works overnight while you sleep, when the body is in its natural repair mode

Liquid Theory Conditioning Detangler (4 fl. oz./120 ml)

  • Protects hair from thermal damage due to heat styling and humidity
  • Builds body and magnifies shine without weighing hair down

Shampoo (10 fl. oz./300 ml)

  • Gently cleanses while revitalizing and hydrating dry, brittle, limp hair
  • Specially formulated to help prevent color fading and frizz

Conditioner (8 fl. oz./240 ml)

  • Fortifies and protects dry, damaged, color-treated hair
  • Imparts body, volume and silkiness

How Human Growth Hormones Can Increase Muscle Mass and Decrease Body Fat

Until a few years ago, most scientists considered anti-aging treatments to be little more than snake oil.

Today however, that's all changed. Few researchers doubt that human growth hormones can affect aging bodies, potentially making them more youthful.

What changed everything was a landmark study by Dr. Daniel Rudman, a researcher at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Dr. Rudman decided to see if he could reverse the effects of aging by administering a human growth hormone (HGH) to elderly men.

HGH is produced by the anterior pituitary gland in the brain and is known to promote tissue repair, cell regeneration in bones, muscles and vital organs, and support the immune system in combating infection and disease. As we age, our HGH levels decline, causing our cell replacement levels to reduce to a fraction of the levels of our youth. By the age of forty nearly everyone is deficient in HGH, and at eighty the body's production has usually diminished by 90-95%.

According to HGH experts, many of the diseases and symptoms associated with aging can be traced to declining levels of HGH being produced by the body.

In his study, Dr. Rudman gave growth hormone to a group of elderly men for six months. At the end of the study the men had an astounding 8.8% increase in lean muscle mass, and a 14.4% decrease in body fat. The test group also reported improvements in sleep, energy levels, and skin and muscle tone. The results led Dr. Rudman to state, "The effects of six months of growth hormone on lean body mass and adipose-tissue mass were equivalent in magnitude to the changes incurred during 10 to 20 years of aging."

The type of human growth hormone used in this study is a synthetic injectable that costs well over $1000 for each dose. It has been approved to treat certain human growth related afflictions, but many doctors are also prescribing it as an anti-aging treatment. However, its high costs and open questions regarding appropriate dosage and long term safety have limited its use.

The HGH supplements more commonly available today without a prescription fall into one of two categories, releasers and secretagogues.

Releasers provide the building blocks of the 191 amino acid human growth hormone, predominately L-group amino acids such as L-valine and L-arginine. While these are components of true HGH, they are several chemical conversion steps away from actually being HGH.

The other main HGH supplements are secretagogues. These contain minute amounts of human growth hormone substance. Secretagogues are a form of homeopathic medicine in which tiny amounts of a natural body chemical are taken to stimulate the body to produce more. According to experts, absorbing small amounts of a synthetic hormone can cause the pituitary gland to secrete more of its own natural hormone into the bloodstream. Secretagogues can contain actual HGH and still be available without a prescription, but only if they do so in very small amounts.

One of the earliest natural HGH supplements to be developed that does not require a prescription is called Sytropin. It's one of the only HGH supplements available today that combines both releaser amino acids, and true secretagogue human growth hormone (within FDA regulations) into one supplement.

The known benefits of the HGH include reduced body fat, increased lean muscle, improved sleep and sharper mental acuity.

It's only natural that some people would be skeptical of the product's effectiveness, but Sytropin is so sure that its HGH product works it's offering new customers the chance to try Sytropin for free. (just cover the S&H).

The free trial allows you to see for yourself before you pay anything for the product. To learn more about the free trial

How To Resurface Your Skin at Home with the Help of Glycolic Acid

Forget visiting the dermatologist for a chemical peel, you can resurface your skin at home with the help of glycolic acid. A star in the skin care world, glycolic acid is known for its ability to treat several skin problems, including wrinkles, acne scars, hyperpigmentation and keratosis pilaris.

How It Works

The smallest of the alpha hydroxy acids, glycolic acid penetrates quickly to exfoliate and rejuvenate your skin. It weakens the lipids that hold dead skin cells together, causing the outer layer of your skin to shed, and revealing the new, healthy skin beneath.

With high concentrations over a period of time, glycolic acid may penetrate into the deeper layers of skin, encouraging the production of collagen and elastin and improving the appearance of deep wrinkles.

Glycolic acid also helps to draw moisture into the new skin, which is why many skin treatments mix glycolic acid with moisturizers.

Where It's Found

Glytone is a professional skin care brand dedicated to glycolic acid treatments. Created for dermatologists, this line uses high concentrations of free glycolic acid to repair the skin.

Its products include cleansers, toners, peels, moisturizers, masks, body lotions and sunscreens. Each product uses a different percentage of glycolic acid to fight aging, acne, uneven skin tone and rough, dry skin, and they are formulated to minimize redness and irritation.

Although Glytone began as a doctor-only skin care line, it has expanded its successful treatments into a home care line that allows you to continue to improve your skin even when you don't have time to visit your dermatologist. Glytone products can be purchased online at DermStore.com.

How To Stop Worrying About Sunscreen How To Stop Worrying About Sunscreen

pDespite all the warnings about the damage the sun can do to our skin, very few of us have made sun protection a part of our daily skin care routine. In fact, according to Consumer Reports, one-third of Americans have chosen to skip the sunscreen altogether.

Why the apathy? Well, for starters, we think we're too busy. It's one more step to our already busy lifestyles. But that's not all. Most sunscreens are messy and difficult to apply. Plus, they're usually greasy, sticky and leave a white residue.

However, there's a new sunscreen in town that's breaking all the stereotypes. It's a powder-that's right, a powder sunscreen. Created from micro-particles of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, this sunscreen acts as a physical block, reflecting and refracting the sun's UVA and UVB rays.

The Powder Sunscreen of Choice

The very first, and most popular, powder sunscreen is by Colorescience, a mineral makeup line started by Diane Ranger. Ranger, the creator of mineral makeup, founded Bare Escentuals in 1976, and opened the doors to healthy makeup.

Several years later, Ranger took her expertise and started a new mineral line, this one with the focus on convenience and sun protection in addition to beautiful coverage. Colorescience became famous for its powder sunscreens, as well as its retractable brush delivery system.

Although all of Colorescience products have some level of sunscreen included, its Sunforgettable line provides SPF 30 protection for the entire body. Available in several applicators, including a brush, puff, roller and shaker, this water-resistant sunscreen is quick and easy to apply and is incredibly lightweight on the skin.

The powders are available in clear formulas or tinted varieties, which provide the perfect amount of color and coverage. The Colorescience collection also features a wide selection of minerals cosmetics, including foundation, blush, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara and lip color. Colorescience is available at DermStore.com

Are You Snoring Yourself To Death?

One of the unfortunate realities of life for many people is snoring. Most of us do it to some degree, but for 1 in 6 people snoring is a serious health and quality-of-life issue. Not only can it put a huge strain on our relationship with our bedmate - but it also can signal a serious health condition.

This condition is called Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and it's caused by the relaxation of the muscles in the back of the throat and tongue while sleeping which in turn blocks the airway. That blockage cuts off breathing causing a person to momentarily wake up. It can literally happen hundreds of times per night.

OSA can have serious health implications including chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, weight gain, and even heart failure and stroke.

Until recently, treatments for snoring and OSA were highly intrusive and costly, or of limited effectiveness. They included surgery, in which a doctor cuts away or shrinks tissue in the back of the throat, a CPAP face mask which forces air into the lungs keeping the air passages open while you sleep, or an oral mouthpiece designed to force the lower jaw out during sleep, keeping the airway clear.

With treatment options like these, it's little wonder that so many people have resigned themselves to living with the exhausting and frustrating consequences of their snoring and OSA condition. Snoring, it seemed, like the common cold, was destined to escape a practical solution.

That is, until OSA sufferer and inventor Stephen Matthews had a brain storm. Frustrated by his condition and the lack of good options, Matthews worked to design something that could gently hold his jaw in a position that would allow his breathing airway to remain clear while he slept, and that would also be so comfortable he could fall asleep wearing it.

After some success with a homemade device, he set off to engineer what was ultimately to become the MySnoring Solution Chinstrap. That was several years ago and today, his ergonomic chinstrap has helped thousands of people relieve their symptoms and get a decent night's sleep, night after night.

And now his chinstrap concept has been clinically proven. In a case study by the Eastern Virginia Medical School, it was found to be as effective in treating OSA as expensive CPAP machines.

So, if you or a loved one suffers from snoring and are looking for a non-intrusive, affordable and, above all, effective treatment, the MySnoring Solution may be what you have been waiting for.

Try a My Snoring Solution jaw supporter and start sleeping without snoring tonight. Order yours now for just $89.97, and get an amazing 12 month unlimited money back guarantee at CureSnoringToday.com. You'll also receive a free American Medical Review DVD and a copy of the book "7 Steps to Sleep Success."

Jane Iredale: A Pioneer of Mineral Makeup

Achieving healthy skin isn't just about using the right face cream, it's about using the right makeup too. Many popular cosmetic brands are packed with ingredients that tend to clog pores, age the skin or even cause cancer. But mineral makeup is different.

Mineral makeup is a purer, gentler makeup made from the earth's natural minerals. These minerals are micro-pulverized into flat particles that can be layered on the skin for flawless coverage and rich color, and yet they still allow your skin to breathe and function as normal.

There are many mineral makeup lines available today, but one of the most trusted lines is Jane Iredale. The pioneer of mineral makeup, jane iredale has been beautifying and protecting women's skin for the past 15 years.

Why Mineral Makeup is Good for You

Known as the skin care makeup, jane iredale uses advanced mineral formulas to comfort your skin and enhance your best features. Its benefits include:

  • Non-comedogenic (won't clog pores)
  • Bacteria-proof minerals
  • No talc or parabens
  • Safe for sensitive skin
  • Broad-spectrum sun protection, up to SPF 30
  • Calms and soothes skin
  • Complete coverage for acne, rosacea or redness after chemical peels
  • Cruelty-free, never tested on animals

What Makes jane iredale Different

In addition to all the benefits above, jane iredale really stands out from the crowd because of its variety of products and shades, as well as its long-lasting coverage.

Its collection includes liquid and powder foundations in shades to match every skin tone, concealers to cover blemishes and dark circles, vibrant eye shadows and liners, clump-free mascaras, sparkling blushes and bronzers, lipsticks and lip glosses to perfect your pout and the finest brushes and tools for a professional application. All are available at DermStore.com

Facelifts: How to Get Similar Results Without Surgery

Movie stars get it done. Fashion models get it done. Television personalities get it done.

Many famous and fashionable people turn to facelifts in order to appear younger. While it's true that a facelift can tighten loose skin and reduce fine wrinkles, there are many detrimental side effects and risks associated with getting a facelift. These include:

  • Pain. You may experience pain after getting facelift surgery.
  • Numbness. You may feel numb after the facelift procedure.
  • Swelling. Your skin may swell up after plastic surgery.
  • Bruising. You may have some bruising after the procedure.
  • Surgery Risks These include infection, adverse reaction to the anesthesia and failure to properly heal.

In addition, a facelift can be quite expensive. Recently, the average cost for a facelift (including the cost of the plastic surgeons fee, operating room, and anesthesia) was found to be between five and eight thousand dollars. That is not exactly friendly to your wallet!

When you consider all of the risks and possible side effects, getting a facelift can be a daunting and somewhat frightening proposition.

Therefore, it's not surprising that skin care companies are working hard to develop alternatives to face lift surgery, and some are starting to have remarkable results

One such alternative the 24-Hour Age-Defying Face Therapy from IQDerma. Consisting of two products, Skintensive xCel and RestorEyes, the 24-Hour system fights all the major symptoms that create the illusion of aging: lines, wrinkles, age spots, discoloration and creases on the skin. It also fights dark circles, crow's feet, and puffiness under the eyes.

IQDerma has a long history of scientific anti-aging innovation and this product incorporates the latest and best. Hyaluronic acid, marine collagen, and powerful peptides come together to create a powerful weapon against aging.

Best of all, IQDerma also delivers results fast. Its extensive clinical trials show the product works in just minutes. In a six-week independent study on the effectiveness of the system, 84% of participants saw plumping of facial lines and wrinkles within 15 minutes of use and 79% saw a lifting effect in facial skin within 15 minutes.

More than 85% of study participants saw a reduction in the appearance of crow's feet and black circles. Results like these are very hard to come by without expensive procedures and injections.

Surgery-like results from a topical skin care kit - too good to be true? IQDerma is so sure the product will deliver that they are currently offering a free trial so that people can see the effectiveness before having to pay for the product.

How to Get Lasting Energy, and Avoid the Crash

A California company has developed a line of products that seemingly ends the quest for an energy boosting solution that's both healthy and effective.

The company, FRS, has created a line of drinks and chews that have been shown to boost energy and performance, as well as support immune system.

FRS stands for Free Radical Scavenger. Free radicals are unstable molecules that move freely through the body and bond with other molecules in healthy cells, damaging chromosomes, enzymes, cell membranes and mitochondria through oxidization (the same process that makes iron rust).

The most damaging free radicals are produced in the cell's mitochondria and exercise actually can speed up the process by as much as 200%. These added free radicals likely can't be quelled by our inherent antioxidant defenses, especially with today's sub-par diets. Instead they end up damaging our cell systems resulting in decreased energy levels, accelerated aging and decreased mental performance.

That's where FRS comes in. FRS combines some of the most powerful antioxidants found in nature with other key vitamins and metabolic enhancers. The most important ingredient is Quercetin, a powerful antioxidant found in the skins of grapes, apples and vegetables that has known anti-inflammatory effects. Experts believe Quercetin helps extend your natural energy by inhibiting an enzyme called COMT. Additionally, FRS's patented formula of Quercetin and green tea extracts promote thermogenesis, which increases the metabolic rate and helps the body burn excess carbohydrates and fat,

When the company's product was tested in a double-blind clinical study conducted by Pepperdine University, athletes who received FRS performed significantly better in time trials than those receiving a placebo. In fact, the results were so significant that champion cyclist Lance Armstrong took note and actually joined the company's board of directors and today uses the product regularly as part of his daily nutritional regime.

But the company's products are not just for athletes. They work just as well for everyday people looking for a way to sustainably boost their energy levels without the crash and to supplement their diets with a supercharged health formula.

Best of all FRS is currently offering new customers a two week free trial. According to FRS, they can do this because so many people who try the product are quickly convinced it works and add it to their daily healthy routine.

Is Poor Nutrition Causing Serious Harm to Your Health?

Scientists have long marveled how some people in certain countries live remarkably long, healthy lives while we, in the west, suffer from high rates of chronic diseases and other health problems.

Computer analysis has enabled researchers to determine which populations are the healthiest and live the longest and analyze what these populations have in common.

The results point to one key factor; diet. The healthiest groups eat certain foods in much higher quantities - these foods have come to be called super foods.

Common problems such as lack of energy, poor skin and hair, and dramatic mood swings as well as serious problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and certain cancers can also now be traced to poor nutrition.

Scientists have analyzed the super foods that these healthy populations eat and found they contain hundreds of micro-nutrient compounds, vitamins and antioxidants. A growing body of research from laboratory and human studies suggests that these nutrients work best in concert with each other, or synergistically.

Bottom line: Giving your body the right micronutrients in the right combination can make a huge difference to how long you live, how much energy you have, how often you get sick and even whether you get certain types of cancer or heart disease.

The problem of course is that we all live busy complicated lives. In a world of processed food and limited time, it is unrealistic to think we can eat the optimum diet including all of these super foods.

Enter San Diego, CA based www.superfoodsrx.com. This new company has addressed this problem by developing a daily nutritional supplement designed to provide the same mix of super-nutrients that are found in the so called super foods.

Dr. Steven Pratt is the developer of this remarkable nutritional system. A best selling author of nutrition and longevity books, Dr. Pratt also consults for top athletes and is a senior staff member at Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, California.

Just how remarkable is the supplement. Dr Pratt commented, "The nutrients and antioxidants we use in SuperFoodsRx have been shown to decrease symptoms of fatigue and to increase the effectiveness of dieting by helping to reduce the appetite and boost metabolism. They have also been linked to a lower incidence of cancer, diabetes and heart disease. There are several key micro-nutrients we included that can help to improve your complexion and strengthen hair and nails and the premium omega 3 found in SuperFoodsRx has been proven to reduce stress and mood-swings and improve memory and focus."

Discount Dental Plans - How to Avoid Pain and Save Money

If the sound of drill makes you cringe, how about the bite dental procedures can take out of your pocket? The best way to prevent both is with discount dental plans which can cost you as little as $7 a month. It may be among the best money you spend.

That's for 2 reasons:

Save money:

Dental procedures can be expensive. You never know when you are going to need work on your mouth and when you do you, you simply can't put it off. Dental procedures left untreated will generally get a lot worse, so delaying action may well result in the need for a far more expensive procedure later on.

Save your health:

The second reason is your health and wellbeing. Most dental plans are focused on preventative care, therefore, they will usually fully cover twice-yearly checkups for teeth cleaning and X-rays. The cost of these alone can be higher than your premium. Knowing that these are paid for makes it more likely that you will go for your check-ups, which will lead to a much healthier you.

As with medical insurance, there are two main types of dental plans:

Dental HMOs: Similar to a traditional HMO. You have a limited selection of dentists, but this type of plan offers the best deal in terms of limiting out-of-pocket costs. Premium costs are likely to be most affordable. Often HMOs will guarantee one or two dentists within 15 miles of home or work.

Dental PPOs: If you go to a dentist in the network you'll pay one set of prices. Or you can take a lower reimbursement percentage to see a dentist who is not in the plan.

Regardless of the type of plan you pick, If you do need a major procedure, the insurance could prevent the out-of-pocket cost from turning your smile into frown.

One of the best ways to find a dental plan that is right for you is to use a service like DentalPlans.com

Since 1999, DentalPlans.com has been an industry leader bringing individuals, families and groups affordable and comprehensive discount dental plans. Discover the many advantages of DentalPlans.com and see how they keep thousands of satisfied customers smiling.

Currently you can save 10% - 60% on most dental services through their plans, which start at just $79.95 per year. There are no paperwork hassles and they also offer a 30-day refund policy.

Bank your Baby's Stem Cells - It Could Save its Life

The birth of your child presents a one-time opportunity to help your family by collecting and storing your child's cord blood. That's because cord blood contains stem cells that could one day save the life of your child or of one of your child's siblings. Unlike embryonic cell cells, cord blood cells do not involve the destruction of an embryo.

Harvesting stem cells from a baby's umbilical cord blood poses no risk to mother or the child.

Why are stem cells so amazing?

Cell Stems are so powerful because they have the amazing ability to transform and grow into other types of cells - such as blood cells or bone cells. The breakthroughs in stem cell research are some of the most important in medical history and represent a real chance to fight diseases long thought untreatable. The list of diseases that stem cells are capable of fighting continues to grow. Diseases from leukemia, heart and cardiovascular disease to brain and nervous system damage from strokes can be treated and sometimes reversed with the help of stem cells.

Transplant patients also have a much better chance of recovery when they receive stem cells taken from themselves or from a related donor.

Scientists are also very excited about advances in regenerative medicine which allows medicine to repair the body with the patient's own stem cells. When these advances are realized, children whose parents saved their cord blood will be in a much better position to benefit.

How Collection Works:

Months prior to their due date, parents can contact a Cord Blood Bank and the bank will mail them a collection kit. The bank also sends collection instructions to the physician monitoring the pregnancy. After the birth, when the umbilical cord is cut, the blood left in the cord and placenta is drained into a storage bag. This process can also be performed in a c-section birth. A day or so later, the blood is sent via medical courier to the collecting bank and the stem cells are harvested and placed in a deep freeze for permanent storage until needed.

Choosing the Right Bank: Deciding to bank your baby's cord blood is a big decision and requires some research. There are multiple factors to consider when choosing a storage facility:

  • Does the company have their own storage facility, or are they simply a middle man, collecting for another storage company?
  • Have they had samples used? Surprisingly, many cord blood storage companies have never had a sample taken from their stock. Track record is important.
  • Is the facility public or private?
    • Public Banks - cord blood from anonymous donors goes to help unrelated patients
    • Private/Family Banks - the child whose cord blood is banked may use it for themselves or a close family member (usually a sibling)

Cord Blood banking is a safe, non-invasive way to provide these life-giving cells to your child, your family or those in need. It is like a powerful health insurance policy for your family.

How To Lose an Unwanted Tattoo

Many people love their tattoos and are proud to show them off. Others, due to new relationships, family situations or career aspirations or other reasons, find themselves regretting the decision to get one or more tattoos.

If you're one of these people, you're not alone. The American Academy of Dermatologists estimates that 20% of adults with tattoos would like to get one or more of them removed. Other estimates are as high as 50%.

Until recently there were several methods for removing tattoos, none of them particularly appealing. Some of the more unpleasant approaches included sand abrasion - literally sandpapering the skin, and incisions - surgically removing the tattooed portion of the skin. Fortunately, over the recent past, laser and light pulse removal technologies have evolved in their effectiveness to a point where they have replaced most other methods.

Tattoos are meant to be permanent - so it's no wonder that they are difficult to remove. Even the most effective laser removal methods will leave a slight scar or discoloration of the skin where the Tattoo once appeared, although in most cases this will become invisible after a year or so.

What you need to know:

Laser and light removal systems use a focused laser or light pulse directed at the color pigment of the tattoo which lies below the surface of the skin. Different laser frequencies will be used for different colors. Once the pigment is broken up this way, the body then re-absorbs the ink particles and they are expelled harmlessly.

Tattoo laser removal can be costly. A large, colorful tattoo can cost several thousand dollars to remove. Smaller tattoos are less and many dermatologists offer financing to help with the cost.

Depending on the size and colors of the tattoo, up to 10 sessions may be required to complete the removal process. The process is broken up in order to allow the skin to heal between sessions.

Laser removal can be painful; however, your dermatologist can provide skin anesthetic to alleviate the discomfort.

Fading Crèmes:

Several companies also advertise tattoo removal crèmes and balms that can be applied at home. The benefit of these is that they don't require multiple visits to the dermatologist and their cost is significantly lower that laser and light treatments.

The downside is that there is little scientific evidence for their effectiveness, and even when they do achieve some reported fading of the tattoo, it generally takes many months. If you opt to try one of these fading crèmes, our recommendation is to ensure that the product has a money back guarantee in the event you are not satisfied with the results.

5 Common Flu Season Myths

Content provided by InsWeb - With flu season in full swing, everyone's looking for ways to beat the flu bug. But with all the flu season myths floating around out there, how can you know the best way to keep healthy? Understanding the most common flu season myths can help keep your body strong and flu-free.

The Flu Virus

Influenza (the flu) is a serious respiratory illness caused by a number of influenza viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness, and in some cases can result in death. Symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, muscle and body aches, vomiting, dry cough, sore throat, runny nose and diarrhea.

In the United States, flu season begins in late August and runs through April. It is during this time that most people get sick.

Myth: Layering Yourself With Blankets Can Help You "Sweat" Out a Flu or Cold

Some people think putting on extra clothing or covering themselves in a mountain of blankets can help "sweat" out a cold. Unfortunately, no amount of sweat will help you get over a cold any faster. You may be frustrated with an illness you can't get rid of with antibiotics, but soaking yourself in sweat isn't worth the effort.

Myth: You Can Catch the Flu From a Flu Shot

Contrary to popular belief, a flu shot is not a weakened form of the flu virus. It contains components of the flu bug, but not enough to make you sick. Some experts believe the reason people think flu shots cause the flu is because most people get their vaccine at the beginning of flu season in October or November, and then catch the flu bug from another source.

Myth: Lingering in Wet Clothes Increases Your Chances of Getting Sick

While viruses are more common during the fall and winter months, several studies have shown that being outside in cold weather does not increase the likelihood of getting sick. Most experts believe that people staying indoors to avoid cold weather is to blame for flu season, not the cold weather itself. Flu season also coincides with the beginning of a new school year when millions of children are in close quarters.

Myth: "Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever"

Whether it's "starve a fever, feed a cold" or "starve a cold, feed a fever," you shouldn't do the extreme of either when you're treating an illness. Eating can help boost your immune system by providing nutrition and energy, but forcing yourself to eat can make you nauseous. The best advice is this: If you're hungry, eat; if you're not hungry, don't. But always stay hydrated. Take this one for what it is: an old wives' tale.

Myth: There's No Way to Reduce the Flu's Duration or Severity

Most get-well-quick schemes are bogus, but here's one that actually works: antiviral medication. It prevents the flu virus from reproducing, thereby minimizing symptoms and shortening the flu's duration. It is available by prescription from a medical doctor. For this medicine to be effective, it has to be taken immediately--within 48 hours of noticing symptoms. After 48 hours, antivirals have been shown to be ineffective against the flu virus. So if you're feeling ill, get to your doctor's office immediately!

Without a proper health insurance policy, can you afford to see a doctor when you're feeling ill? Everyone needs health insurance, especially during flu season. Shopping around for a health insurance policy with InsWeb.com can help you find the coverage you need. It's safe, secure, and you'll be able to compare multiple quotes in minutes.